Are You Having Difficulty Speaking or Swallowing?

Speech Pathology Services
ENT Surgery Group strives to deliver personalized, passionate care to meet each patient’s specific needs. Locally-owned in Camp Hill, our otolaryngologist office provides first-rate speech pathology services to help people with problems with their voice, speech, and swallowing.
At our office, we perform a range of non-invasive diagnostic procedures, such as videostroboscopy (to assess the voice box and vocal folds), and videofluoroscopic dysphagia evaluations (to diagnose swallowing problems). We are proud to be one of the top providers of endoscopies in Cumberland County, PA!
Meet our speech pathologist
Speech & Swallowing Disorder Treatment
Our certified speech pathologist is experienced in evaluating and treating many different types of voice, speech, and swallowing disorders. We perform videostroboscopic evaluations to assess laryngeal function as well as videofluoroscopic swallow studies.
Disorders we evaluate and treat include:
- Neurologic Disorders (head trauma, stroke, parkinson’s)
- Head/Neck Cancer
- Gastrointestinal Disorders
- Comprehensive Dysphagia Treatment
- Hoarseness (nodules, vocal strain, vocal misuse)
- Vocal Cord Paralysis
- Irritable Larynx Syndrome / Refractory Chronic Cough
- Paradoxical Vocal Fold Movement (vocal cord dysfunction)
Accent Modification
We provide accent reduction services to improve the clarity and intelligibility of speech. This service focuses on individuals speaking English as their second language, especially beneficial for medical practitioners who want to avoid errors with patient instruction or phone orders. We begin each retraining session by assessing your accent and then proceed with a customized treatment plan.